{end of spam} Hey there bean. I know it's tough right now. I know that you can't be yourself. Well guess what, one day, you will be. Right now it's just a waiting game. Things do turn out alright. Chin up kiddo. 💜Goodnight JustArtists


{end of spam} Hey there bean. I know it's tough right now. I know that you can't be yourself. Well guess what, one day, you will be. Right now it's just a waiting game. Things do turn out alright. Chin up kiddo. 💜Goodnight JustArtists

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as far as I know, I'm a heterosexual female. but I really appreciate this huge spam you did today, I know a lot of people can actually relate and need this. so good for you for being such a great person. And I hope that things turn out for ya angel bean and goodnight! (responding to caption)
I loved, and could relate to this spam. can you do another one soon? not tomorrow or anything, just soon.
hi this probably sounds weird idk but I really love your account like its amazing it's everything that is just you know awesome like this is awesome I wish everyone was like this and was understanding!!!
ahh this makes me really happy
i didnt know how much I needed this