Plz read


Plz read

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I like to read Harry Potter because it is really exiting and adventures. it also helps u learn words.
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Also I love to read any books with adventure and action, those are books that really make me want to read the, but there's not a certain book or series that's my favorite. (yet)
nice very nice
I LLLLLLLLLove to read Harry Potter. I read the whole series and I love the adventure. The Prisoner Of Azkaban is my favorite.
I like reading graphic novels because you don't have to read a story you just can see what they are saying and see what they are doing
I love to read Harry Potter. It is so inspirational and I love how friends and enemies unite to defeat a belligerent cause. Everyone has different talents, and being in different houses helps these different aspects of the witchs' and Wizards' personalities shine.
I love hp to
i love to watch HP and read it