the answer to all your questions... no, i am not okay. I feel... alone


the answer to all your questions... no, i am not okay. I feel... alone

276 17
❤️xx i've been feeling really lonely recently but stay strong. things will get better. PC is here and is supporting you. we're always here if u wanna rant or talk💓
CHRISTIANA, bestie, I’m sorry I haven’t been here often, please feel free to rant because I really do care bout you, I even thought about you IN AN EXAM, like you mean so much to me. I love you and you’re never alone, ilysm! lmk when you’re on so we can chat! xx ❤️
I gtg to school now, but we’ll have to definitely talk soon! Stay strong Queen, ilysm
sooooo cute. I'm sorry you feel alone 😔
yayyyyyy featured 🌷
I’ve been there quite a few times (more than I’d like to admit) but just know that many of us are here for you. You ARE AMAZING AND LOVED. you are truly the most wonderful friend I’ve got
I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed it but I hope you’re better now
What happened C? R u ok?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. This is BOOTIFUL btw. Love it😍😍
hey so I am new to pic collage and I feel like no one ever likes my stuff and is consistent w/ liking it so it would be very nice if someone (or more ppl) start to like my things and stay active. sorry for the self advertisement
what's wrong??♥️
u could say time of the year
nev it does
this is lit bro🔥
bruh this is my wallpaper
so true for me 👌🏼😀🤗 good work on thhis👌🏼❤️🌵😀👏🏻🔥💖😍
you are never alone
we are all here for you