Anyone wanna chat????????


Anyone wanna chat????????

10 0
hi what you wanna chat about
yeah sure
hello are Ya there???????????????????
ok that's is mean it's been 30 minutes
not 6 minutes
ok cool so what do you want to talk about
hi what you want to talk about
so what you doing
same I'm in my room
cool I have to go to bed but I can still talk but if I don't message back I'm either asleep or got my phone taken off me
cool what time do u usually go to bed
oh cool on holidays it's usually 8:00 or 8:30 but on school nights 7:00 or 7:30
8:59 what about you????
what country
so what else Ya wanna talk about
ok I'm Brisbane
sorry I gotta go maybe we can talk tomorrow some time
ok cool see Ya
hey I can chat now