Ask away!


Ask away!

11 3
I may not answer right away but I will answer I promise
I know a lot about you but I’ll pick umm
45! what country will u like to visit ( pls say Brisbane Australia)
I would like to visit Australia. 🤣🤣🤣
reee your here
I’m so happy I’m at school rn but idc
do you have online school?
I’m at school like for real
the boy who called u a carved potato is here
reeeee I’m still so mad
9, 10, 16
do you go to acul school
hi dahlia, I changed my name to Xxaestheics_maddiexX
and yes I was watching tik tok
ree haii dahlia
? Wdum I havnt not been kind do anyone
oh it’s a song
cool. I do bc I see them
35 and 28