Collage by XxPandaBitesxX


7 3
hottie lol
thanks babe
I love you so much
witch one you like the best I can enlarge it
I love all of them
ok here you go
thanks babe
np Angel πŸ˜‡
I love you so much
your welcome now your turn Angel πŸ˜‡
I'm turning my Angel on
it's true
she think I'm so sexy it turns her on and I think it's sexy
brb I am going to feed my cat food
is it true Angel πŸ˜‡
I love u babe
I love you to babe
same babe
same Angel πŸ˜‡
Angel I love you and the song Angel πŸ˜‡
ik sissy
lol you still going to slap me with meat
lol babe
your sissy said that
ik lol
lol Angel πŸ˜‡
lol Sprinkles
lol I love u babe
love you Angel πŸ˜‡
lol love you too Sprinkles
I am Chris angel
I keep it real my
I keep it real
hey babe
oh sissy
hey Angel πŸ˜‡
ok sissy
meow babe 😻😻😻😻
I'm confusled again
it ok sexy
thx Angel πŸ˜‡
your welcome sexy lol
lol Mariah Angel
my iPad is at 45%
Mariah Angel I love you
well mines at 24%
ps I love you forever and always babe
same babe
it's already o. the charger so git out
I love u babe
I love you MARIAH ANGEL πŸ˜‡
meow meow
brb babe I am putting my babe cousin on for her nap
lol πŸ‘ŒπŸ½
my cousin is 3
ps love u babe
lol sissy
I love u babe
where did babe go
I'm right here fool
I'm playing gta five fool
ok babe
love u babe
what fool I was doing a mission fool
hey bro
hey sis and no fool lol
that you like my nephew sorry I went to go take a shower Miguel said hi
what up nigggggaz
what up Wigga
robbranna come love me β€οΈπŸ˜πŸ˜‚
go do it
πŸ˜‚ ☹️
what sis
🀣 what u said about mama lolπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
u on
lol ok and yeah I am
watching youtube
good ese and sad ese because my Angel isn't on
why are you hΓͺll board
hey babe
Angel πŸ˜‡ yay
I love u babe
I love you so much Mariah Angel I missed you the whole time you were gone
awwww I misssss u tooo
ik Angel
I love u
I don't want to go to school tomorrow
I love you to my Angel πŸ˜‡
I don't have school tomorrow
but a soccer game πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
babe u can still text me at school
πŸ‘ŒπŸ½ my Angel I love you and everything about you Angel
same babe
next Monday I graduate
I'm going to high school mother Fxckers
yeah I know and so is my Angel
sorry to say this but your a tweeker
shut the actual fxck up twin
me fool
really shut the front door
he is tho like tfπŸ’πŸ½
omg no I'mplayin wit yu fool
git out
sorry I got sidetracked lol
lol ok I'm posting two things
three four
I love u babe
good night sexy
talk to you tomorrow
I love you too angel where'd you go
ok Angel
ok babe talk tomorrow and ps I love u forever and always
same babe
aww man that's not right
nope killem
I love u
I love you too Angel
I love u more
I know Baby Girl
sexy lol
do you like it when I call you Baby G
yes I love it toooooo
lol ok Baby G Angel
I love u
I'm stronger
I bet but I don't care