Go follow her now!!!!


Go follow her now!!!!

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is that Jasmine 😲 wow 😳 I'm I'm I I. o my
im pretending I have snapchat on my account
your what (l l. o ) what??
u have snapchat??
I said I was pretending
ok what was that first thing where u wrote l l .o
I was surprised 😳 that you put Jasmine as a shoutout
okay πŸ‘Œ I'm going now I have got early morning training for cross-country tomorrow
I put everyone a shout out so it would be mean if I left her out! ok
that wasn't me your not right I knew talked to her
I talked to a roomypupperlover3000 only cuz her bitmoji looked like me so stopπŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ˜‘
ok that made no sense!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚