honestly I never call myself "quęer" cuz I jus t ukakdklscjs I hate that word so much cuz it literally means "weird" and it makes me feel weird and gross and like ??????? I'd rather say gay thx


honestly I never call myself "quęer" cuz I jus t ukakdklscjs I hate that word so much cuz it literally means "weird" and it makes me feel weird and gross and like ??????? I'd rather say gay thx

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I hate using the word queèr for the same reason
I say gay as a good thing because I'm hella gay myself 🙃🙂
^im like that with the word lèsbian
lkke gáy is okay hômo is okay but I just don't like the word lèsbian
(see caption)
I hate when guys will call each other gay and act like its so offensive??
like how the fùck is that an insult?