


21 4
I hate you -Amber
I hope you never date again -Amber
are you ok
That's Mean!~Liam
yeah I'm fine
thank you
it's ok xxx I know what it's like braking up with someone and I know sometimes it can be hard, other times it's easy xxx
thank you so much for caring
what's wrong with you amber?! leave me brother alone -Kleo
hey it's sami we were just taking on the group account
how was your day mine was ok I broke up with my gf
it was ok. me and my bf aren't talking as much as we used to and idk what's going on with him so I might be single againπŸ˜” forever alone
do u like anyone
sorta, yea
why don't u try talking to him
taking to who? my crush or bf (ex prabably)
he won't answer
I'm sorry I feel bad
oh yeah Hayden got off btw he always gets off without saying bye idk y
it's ok don't feel bad, it's happens to me all the time, some one always ends up asking me out but then dumps me. nobody really likes me
you'll find someone who truly loves you someday
yea I doubt it. I'm sure u will bc I know who likes u
wait u know who likes me?
yes I do know who. try and guess hint- her name starts with an s
wait is it Shea from my squad?
any guesses
no it's not Shea
oh dang it cause I like her
no I don't know can u tell me pleas?
ur gonna think its stupid tho
I don't care
ok that just happened
I seriously told u oh boy
you like me? 😯
yea..... sorry I know its stupid and will never happen but yea I like u
it's fine :)
I'm not exactly the prettiest girl which somehow makes people hate me
oh totally of subject but I feel bad for my twin Morris he has major depression and tried to commit suicide this year 😰
well u shouldn't be hated just because people think u aren't attractive
yea I tried once too, used to cut and everything I stopped but I think it's coming back to me
I did it cuz a bully would non stop yell at me and physically hurt me and once broke my wrist
I cut myslef all the time
I have tons of scars on my arms
if u still do it plz stop. πŸ˜” I care about u enough to where I would start cutting again for u
ok I'll stop
I just really freaking want to hurt myslef at times
I mean I do want u to stop, it's hard seeing people do it and it kills me that your doing it, your amazing and there isn't a reason for u to do it
thank you
people hardly ever call me stuff like amazing
ur my best friend πŸ˜‰
there was a reason for me, I'm worthless, nobody would ever like me, I had no life, and all there was were bullies
your not worthless
ur my best friend tooπŸ˜‰
stop your staring to sound like Morris πŸ˜₯ I hate it when he says he has no life
I really don't though. I mean the person I actually loved totally let me go and ignored me from then on. there's only 1 person left
hey I'm gonna go to bed. it was nice to talk to you...:) I'll be on both accounts tomaro so yeah
you have a life :)
hey could u follow Morris (break_me) for me? and could u check out his posts on both the squad account and his account
ok goodnight I'll txt u tomorrow when I get home from school
ok :) goodnight
goodmorning😊 I'm leaving in like 10 min
hey - holly
hey I'm back from school
yea he isn't answering me πŸ˜” your the only other person I like :)
u there?
I really need to talk to u
are u mad at me
y would I be mad?
I just wasn't on
sorry I'm used to people ignoring me, I'm invisible half the time
did u see Morris page
yea. so uh yea I kinda need to talk to u
about what
idk if I should say it cuz I'm wondering if it would even matter
what is it
I like u, a lot
I know :)
:) like but what are ur thoughts on it or whatever
listen, I need to recover from my last gf I'm not ready to date again
yea I understand
so what's up anyway
nothing much
I'm tired I woke up at 3 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep 😩
I'm gonna go to bed I can hardly keep my eyes open lol
lol ok good night I'll txt u tomorrow after school
hi u on
I'm done with life I thinkπŸ˜”πŸ˜’
are u depressed? cause I understand what's it's like
idk what to do anymore with my life. what do I have to live for, no one cares anyway
listen, I understand what it feels like, but please please don't give up. u have people that care about u and love
*love u
not really, who
your family and friends
well I don't have many friends and mom, dad, and brother are all dead
oh I didn't know....I'm so so sorry :( :(
hey I'm your friend
it's ok you didn't know. I know to me ur my best friend idk if I am to u tho
one of my best
but I don't have many friends either
your my second best friend my first is Shea from my squad ( I have a crush on her lol but it'll never happen πŸ˜‚)
oh trust me I have a crush on u but it will also never happen, looks like we are in the same spotπŸ˜‚
lol I kinda like u too ya know but I don't dating can ruin friendship.....
yea true
eh nothing, I'm just hanging out I'm meh room
cool :)
hi ferris 😏
I'm still on
still there?
because he's my twin and he was sitting right next to me
hey I'm going to bed....good night guys talk tomaro
hey I'm on
random question, how come Morris asked if I've been abused
because he was adused by our father when he was younger -Ferris
idk why he asked tho he's weird sorry -Ferris
it's alright, I was just wondering why.
I love you hair.πŸ˜ƒ
thanks! πŸ˜„
hey I'm on
what's up
he's good btw
that's good -Ferris
ur cute
yea me and Garrett broke up :/ mainly bc he won't talk to me and bc I've liked hunter for awhile and he asked me out
if u want I can be ur girl