Collage by AkemiMoon


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my best girl is Riko, my least favorite girl is Hanamaru
Pastel's best girl for Aqours is Mari, and least girl is Kanan
okay, thanks. I'm actually surprised because Hanamaru is actually quite a popular character! >v<
^ for Rose_Lovegood (response)
okay, thank you for responding! yay!
^ above for Pastel.
yeah, she's really popular, but I feel that (in my opinion) she's a little over rated, and her personality is a little generic. but other people like her and that's great too!!
yeah. Riko is kind of in the middle for me. Hanamaru is really boring and generic but in my opinion shows that even plain people that are generic and normal can still shine.
I also don't like her voice, but she's cute. I feel like other characters have smoother and more melodic voices so it bothers me how much attention Hanamaru's voice gets, but she's really cute, and it's just my opinion
I like Dia, I also like Ruby and Mari, but Dia is my best girl
Riko looks very similar to my online persona Kira though so
@KiraKylaMaria, yeah, Dia doesn't get enough attention as she deserves...and omg Ruby is just adorable! not a big fan of Mari tho...but thank you for the info.
@Rose_LoveGood. mmhm... my favorite voice is Chika and You probably because they are sweet but kind of squeaky. your reasoning does make a lot of sense.
My best girl is Hanamaru:3 She's so kawaii! Sorry to any but Chika's worst girl for me -3-
Kanan is best girl. Chika is worst girl. No offense. Idk why😂
oh, it's okay! thank you for all of your feedback