Happy Halloween! 
Also it’s not my poem in the collage but I couldn’t find the author :(


🎃TAP🎃 Happy Halloween! Also it’s not my poem in the collage but I couldn’t find the author :(

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THANK YOUUU- so is this omg!!!
and i’m okay :)) been hanging in there tbh hbu?🩷
hey!! my parents don’t let me celebrate halloween and I would have played luigi’s mansion 3 as my only way to celebrate but we were gone ALL DAY so sadly I didn’t get to. hbu??
that’s great! Unfortunately not really, my parents don't celebrate Halloween, my friends organized a big party to which I was invited, but since I'm not at home right now (I have holidays at the moment), I couldn't come
hbu? did you do anything for Halloween? <33
honestly I don’t remember uhhhhh oh it was a tuesday so I did school all morning then we ate lunch somewhere simple and then I had to meet with my sister and a lady and then therapy and then errands and my knee was killing me and also I was emotionally overwhelmed by my therapy so I broke down at supper and my dad got frustrated with me so it was a long day lol
Love this!!