she's like 10


she's like 10

8 1
don't be mean
shut the poo up!!!!!!!
she's very pretty.
yeah she is pretty!!! Don't be so R-U-D-E
I'm a dance mom mom and I think you're being mean
Mckenzie is best friends with my daughter, Kendall!
hey dancer113hatepage wanna chat
but I think ho doesn't have a eπŸ€—
stop all of this its soo mean and rude
Liar! Fudge you
stop it
That's Mackenzie Zielger she is famous so you better watch what your saying!
^ So? okay she's famous that doesn't make her pretty
but she is
so hate on me aka Tropical--Vibes because I'm way worse than her
yep me
^Wow people are thirsty for hate theses days
yep it's better than you hating on someone else
Sorry I'm going to ignore you...I don't talk to thirsty people
Omg what is wrong with u!? Don't u know that people have feelings too?!?
K idc thats your opinion
Yeah....NICE opinions!
it's bad enough ur hating on me and Kenzie now chloebirdarmy army how dare u
Calm down ik... shade hurts
these people are so annoying
It's ur fault for hating! So how r we annoying?!
Whatever! Hating is wrong! Even for social media!!
It's our opinion honey you can't tell us we can't let out our own opinion
what do you want to talk about
Keep ur opinions to yourself. No one wants to hear or look at it. Even if it's rude and mean. So I would shut up if I were u
oh yeah or what
i might just make a hatepage for you
do you know who else has hatepages?
I want to follow them
MendesAf_Hater , I think thats the hatepage
Um no! Even if I do I would never tell u guys!
I'm not going to shut up you guys need to chill...this is social media theres going to be hate everywhere GET USED TO IT
People don't need hate!! They have feelings! They deserve to be treated nice!
Okay and? nobody cares
U don't. But maybe a lot of people do! So shut up
Is shut up the best you got? it's getting old😴😴
Ur getting old
Anyway bye
Don't talk to me ever again
I think she is part of the hood lol
that was random of meπŸ˜‚
wow your syco
u don't need to be a jerk!
BRUH tht is so mean
FYI, your an ugly hoe! πŸ˜„ that made me feel happy!
no that made you a bully
so hah
oh sure, but seriously, this is old, people still care, I do to, but I mean this account is pretty old and doesn't post much stuff anymore so no one should care cause dancer113 doesn't care anymore that someone is bulling her and she shouldn't
and to u, BOY! u just want attention, and we r giving it to u, but we shouldn't
yes we should stick up for the people he's bullying but no one should care cause this is such a stupid page! no one should post this but someone did so we shouldn't care that he does this so
the only thing that is old rn is YOU coming back to my page when you don't need to, byeeeeeee
Looks like someone has jealousy issues.
^πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm a boy I'm not jealous of any girl
someone was being a butt so I called them a hoe😬
(it was kccool)
ahhhh that's all u got? hey newsflash, I don't care!
call me anything u want, I won't care
to me it just looks like someone's desperate for followers
By the way, this is really random, thanks for following me.
Nobody invited you back here you can leave okay? okay bye
if it was me, I don't need to be invited
your the only ugly hoe around here OHHHHHHH GET RECT!!!!!!!!!!!
just because you were once bullied doesn't mean you can bully others!!!😑 IT'S NOT RIGHT!
people like you are just jealous. they do this cuz they were once picked on. just cuz someone did it to you doesn't mean you can do it to others
what if you did this to someone else and they committed suicide?
then you would go to jail. it would be murder
do you want to go to jail for the rest of your life just because you were hated on?!
just don't do this.
I bet in real your a wonderful person. just please don't do this. you know deep down inside its wrong
Uou are probably the ugly one. You can't even show your own face. She is very much pretty, you on the other hand might be pretty but have a bad soul, making you ugly
..pretty. You might be pretty, but your soul isn't, making you look UGLY ASFFF
And how Tf is she a hoe? She don't act like one. You probably do.
shut up! leave us alone we don't like any of you bothering us πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸ½πŸ–•πŸ½