i'm not picky


i'm not picky

37 70
oh my god my head hurts like hèll too😂//karla
that shīt is just fûcked man 🤒 not fun not fun at all
😩I knowwwww
good that means it's drawing in attention 😘
I'm sorry. seems like that's the only thing that's gonna fix things. so I'm sorry for every mistake I've made sense the moment I've met you until now (if you feel I've made any). I don't regret anything that has happened between us and I probably won't ever. I will say it's hard to watch girls keeping mentioning me (because I absolutely hate people talking or asking about me wether it's good or bad). you caught me at a really bad time in a bad head space and I can think nor function right now. there's a lot I wanna say it just won't come out so that's that.
also I'm sorry to drop all of this on you. I just- never-mind. this is already getting to drawn out and I didn't want it to. cause that means we'll stop talking and I don't want that but I'm also tired of everyone saying "don't you have a girlfriend" when I'm not and probably won't ever. I just wanted to be sad and no one think twice about it which is the usual
and I don't plan on leaving you. but my mind tends to play tricks on me and it starts to feel like my presents isn't wanted, so I try to distance myself and give you space.
it's not that easy Robbie it's like wired in my head like a reflex