So, I have ton of things to say! 
1) Can someone give some motivational support to my AMAZING friend @chi-gal. (Whose b-day is on Sunday) She is thinking of quitting and I don't want that to happen! She was the on who introduced me to PC!
2) Thanks


πŸ”΅Tap!πŸ”΅ So, I have ton of things to say! 1) Can someone give some motivational support to my AMAZING friend @chi-gal. (Whose b-day is on Sunday) She is thinking of quitting and I don't want that to happen! She was the on who introduced me to PC! 2) Thanks

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2) Thanks to Soarinq-Eagle for teaching my how to make a gif my profile pic! 3) I just came back a basketball game! We won! Though the other team was extremely aggressive, so it left a mark on all of us. Like literally! 4) My PC isn't letting me get photos from the web and saying I have 30 items in my collage, but I don't! Is that happening to anyone one else? This was brought to you by Sporty_puppy (Was trying to be like the commercials πŸ˜‚)
same! (the web thing)
same I can't do anything with the web
@PICPEEP I can't access your account!
I know. I went on private.
1.) Same with the web thing! 2.) I'm sorry, hope your friend stays. :( 3.) Your profile picture is adorable!!! 4.) This collage is extremely creative and beautiful!!!
I hope your friend staysπŸ˜…πŸ˜Œ
OH NO!!!!😭😭😭
how do you get a gif for the profile pic?
hi! can you please follow me? you are so awesome!!πŸ˜‰