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🇦🇱Shoutout to -blowing_bubbles- and _Sk8ter_ for getting the right answer to the last two riddles🇦🇱
🇦🇷They are super amazing and y'all check out their account out!🇦🇷
🇦🇮Riddle: How many seconds are in one year?🇦🇮


🇦🇫tap🇦🇫 🇦🇽please rate 1-10🇦🇽 🇦🇱Shoutout to -blowing_bubbles- and _Sk8ter_ for getting the right answer to the last two riddles🇦🇱 🇦🇷They are super amazing and y'all check out their account out!🇦🇷 🇦🇮Riddle: How many seconds are in one year?🇦🇮

26 1
10/10...answer to the riddle: 31536000 seconds (no, i didn’t do the math so you don’t have to give credit. i literally just searched it up😂)
can we collab plz if so plz comment on my page saying yes or no
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