An icon for free just give credit


An icon for free just give credit

12 1
Did u know that's not urs, or even belong to u? Try drawing or putting some effort on what it's urs not on what owns to others
I bet you are really nice! You are not pure evil. Try to make your own edits. I bet you are really good at them. Why do you steal? What happened? I am guessing your a bit jealous of the popular people but how to be popular is not stealing anyone's collages. I hope your read this and try and make your own collages. I'm not on anyone's side.
hey, excuse me, pal? you deleted the collages with my comments on it. that's ok! I'll just start over!
anyways, how's your day
mines not good
what's going on behind that screen?
I bet your really kind and nice but please don't steal other collages because if you keep on doing that someone will report you on pic collage so if you are gonna copy just ask too and please make YOUR own collages!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
OMG u only have 14 followers my god if u want more followers or u dont want to loose the few u have now SO STOP COPYING IT'S AGAINST THE LAW!!!!!!!
Are you gonna steal my edit too?!
hi art_stealer. you must be a REALLY SWEET person who cares and DOSENT want to hurt anyone. well right now you are hurting lots of people by stealing their collages. someone will report and try to kick you off. there is so many collages going around saying that your evil. if you stop, it won't be this way. plz we all won't criticize your own collages. everyone has potential and everyone can be the next Picasso if they want. we want to see your true talent!!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
it's obvious that I'm not going to do you drawing request
I worked so hard on this. I tried I did. then you had to take it away and say it's yours
I honestly like this account. I just don't like how you are stealing art and stuff. maybe you should be a FANPAGE! a fanpage for all the good art and credits. @art_stealer? change it to @art_lover. it would be much better! and make sure to give credit
and credits... I mean Edits
wow I totally haven't heard this a million times
this made me laugh. so blunt. no.
Why would you even want to steal other's stuff? It approves jealousy, and it doesn't make you look like a good person. You haven't even responded to some of the people who are trying to give you a chance. It really makes you look like you're trying to be a talentless cyberbully behind a screen. You're not. Stop lying and then judging others about lying. Stop stealing and being mean. Maybe if you stopped doing bad and offensive things then you would help learn how to do good and beautiful things.
I have a question for u if you're "13" why do u have my little pony all over your account
this is kacie_pastel17
most of the mlp lovers on PC are around the age of 11-14. there's nothing wrong with liking mlp
@Fanpage-4-Acamar13, @Art_Stealer is probably right. Just because someone is generally I the wrong doesn't mean that they're always wrong. Most of the MLP fandom on the Internet is actually made of highschool-age 50 people. My mom taught a Brony who put Rainbowdash on his binder. No one bothered him about it because there were several other brownies in that class. It was a college class.
*bronies, autocorrect