Collage by tuffluhv


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hey Carson x what’s up?
hey :) how r u?
just eating, do you want to do something?
remix me please
hi hi, I’m Samantha- well preferably Sam
aha have you been here before ? <3
it’s a pleasure to meet you , and how’re you?
aha ,by chance did you know a Thorne ?:)
a lil stressed :/ why aren’t u doing well? :(
I’m alright ,- aha ,just rejoined myself
ooo aha , mhm, well aha, I guess kinda exposing myself , I’m Thorne , but I prefer to go by middle name , to avoid old drama , aha , but I use to talk to a Carson that’s why I even asked lol , my old acc was @-_thorne
aww, i’m sorry :(( i know how that feels & it’s the absolute worst
kinda , aha we were really close - but you left like a year ago even more than a year ,- idk , I was trying to help you get over a Addison/Hannah girl , and we were really close- I mean , I don’t remember a lot , but I know that I had feelings for you, even if you left - aha , but those are gone ,I mean it’s been a year 😕
‘m alright, thanks :) school’s kinda killing me tho
aha well I missed you :)
remix me love :)
luckily i’m almost done!! i cant waittt to go to college
english :)) i looove writing
completely agree. the only two classes i ever got below an a in we’re biology and geometry:/
oh i loved geography!! have u graduated already?
hi i’m olivia x
hey Carson I’m Marisol
hey I’m Macy
hi im laila :)
ohh cool :) what have u been doing since then?
that’s so cool, i’ve always wanted to visit japan. but it’s unfortunate that u don’t like ur job :/
i’d absolutely hate that. arrogant people are the worst :/ do you mostly speak english there or have u learned some japanese?
ahhh how much can you say?
i think knowing more than one language is so cool..i used to be fluent in french but i’ve kinda lost it as we don’t speak it much at home anymore :/
i’m okay, and yourself? :)
I’m doing alright, hbu?
pretty good yourself
I’m doing good thanks how about you :))
Carson , where you been ?
heyyy I’m Annie;)
i miss mine!! 🧡
thank youuu ☺️☺️ - liv
💞💞 - c
what up
Luke gone for weeks + dealing with 2 rowdy kids + finding out ur pregnant but u can’t even tell ur husband because he’s too busy to talk to u for weeks = rubbish
but anyways, how’re you? missed u too