Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can hurt us.


Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can hurt us.

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Thanks Anna! It's a beautiful collage!πŸ’•πŸ’•
Awesome thanks
Thank you so much I love how one person starts being nice, then as soon as you know it, the whole pic collage fam is supporting me I ❀️u all and I hope I will keep my account
I get bullied everyday and the key to it is just laughing and go along with it then they will stop because it isn't hurting you it's making you laugh and you just might be able to help that bully in the process
oh and nerd isn't a insult it means your smart
Who is mean to you? You should report them
nah their my friend now
I changed him I've helped a lot of people
Ok see you at school
see ya
You got the news post idea from me
no I didn't I made it up myself it isn't all about you
Ok, sorry I didn't know
It's ok I'm sorry too.
Yah, we both like to do news posts, now that's something in common!
I do them too lol! and Anna this is an amazing collage. you truly are a kind pereonπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
How'd you know my name?