My every morning. Shįt


My every morning. Shįt

42 0
btw i forgot to tell you my name is aryn. idk if it's like easier or whatever?????? idk
i just like people to know it
You still awake? To just chat? Sorry if I'm annoying, if I ever get on your nerves you can just tell me, I know how I can be sometimes
Well I am glad about that😂
Some times I pass people off because they think I'm annoying, clingy, ect.
Pīss not pass😂 auto correct sucks
Fūck. I dropped my phone and it made a loud *thud*. I hope no one heard
Well, that's good. I'd feel really bad if I annoyed you honestly
My study hall annoyed you😂
I also just realized how much I've apologized to you in like the past two days
😂 the study hall thing is still dumb though
BRO that happens to me one time when I was waiting for the bus so I hurried up to the bathroom while bus was coming needless to say I still made it on the bus
Before I leave for school every morning, I’m like, should I pee and maybe miss the bus??? or should I just hold it and go in first period??? What if the bus gets to school late again and I end up needing to go really badly and miss home room and my teacher marks me tardy again??? NOOO
that was probably waaay too TMI
so true
Well true :P