


25 0
*sorry I walked off...
it's fine. Aoba: I NEED AN AWARD FOR MY ACTING! Okami: you're such a dweeb!
sans, please....don't do anything bad
*i won't
Aoba: how mean.....*evil smile and hops onto Okami, knocking her off her chair*. Okami: *yelps* AAOOOBBAAAAA!
*walks off comes back in a hour *
*wakes up* hm? w-what's going on?
I don't know
*me neither! ((lol))
((XD)) so....
*rubs eyes like a child* *yawns cutely*
awwwwww! *sneezes cute* oops
someone help me-AOBA! Aoba: *on top of her* I'm just gonna get comfortable~
*face palm*
*aoba is on top of her and she has a "kill me" look on her face*
I'm not Elli
*nods* yeah...
*smiles at sans*
*yawns cutely*
*yes of course I know
*my house~
<walks over>
*oh and be warned, Pap hasn't been exactly himself these days~
*gets nervous* h-how?
*looks back with the same nervousness*
*well he's in heat... just stay away from his room
*covers chest* *nods nervously* o-ok
*stays behind sans nervous*
*yeah do your sexy confidence walk!
<sticks tongue out>
*poses* *giggles*
*giggles more* *poses with him*
*ok good!! we're here!
*just don't mind the random pics of hot naked people...
*covers face* *muffles* mind as well get use to it...
<opens door>
*stays behind him* *sorta hiding*
*sits on the couch*
*oh yeah let me see...
*sees a blanket and wraps it around me* *feels comfortable*
*smiles cutely in the blanket*
*um what games do you like?
*we have like everything
I-I'll watch
*how about mew mew kissy cutie robot battle?
*giggles* *snuggles with blanket*
yeah...I'm very comfortable in this blanket *smiles cutely*
*ok here!
*orbi you too
it's ok sans...ill just cuddle with this blanket *hugs self with blanket*
((I was swimming, sorry)) *knocks on the door*
*sitting in her wheelchair, with Aoba pulling her* hellooooooo
Aoba: English please? Okami: just come on! *grabs Aoba's hand and pulls him inside*
*is laying on the couch snuggled in the blanket*
nah. I'm good. Aoba: me too.
*hugs self feeling comfy*
ok~ *very happy*
yay! Aoba: *smiles*
*yawns* I want to get in my pajamas now....
but your in sans house....
I knooowwwww..... Aoba: WAAAYYY AHEAD OF YA! *pulls out Okami's pajamas*. Okami: aw, thanks! *takes them* oh....wait.....uh-um....can anyone h-help me get dressed?
o-okay...where's the bathroom...
okay...*wheels there*
are you gonna...help?
it's okay. *smiles*
*wheels into the bathroom and takes off her shirt, putting on her other one*
that's the easy part....I can never get my pants..
someone broke my legs. usually Aoba would help me get dressed, but it would be awkward for you guys for us to disappear into the bathroom together....
what?! it's not like we do anything......*blushing*
someone dumb, that's who. they surely got a beating
can you help me? *pulls her pants halfway down*
thanks. *puts on the other pair *
*wheels out* come on, let's go back
Aoba: are you okay? did she hurt you? are you real? Okami: hehe....I'm fine, Aoba
*hugs Aoba's waist and falls asleep*. Aoba: *smiles and falls asleep too*
*both of them snuggle each other*
<squints eyes>
*yeah I'll go check!
*gets up and walks out of the house looking around*
yeah...tired *sits down*
*yawns, and stretches, making a tiny "Nya" sound*
g-good. *looks down at Aoba holding on to her and groans* but I can't move.
*wheels to the table and eats one* yum!
I'll just have one...
Aoba: OKAMI! oh, there you are. good, I thought you were dead. Okami: I am NOT dead!
*the muffins are pretty good!
*yeah! <takes big bite>
*ill go offer some to pap... I'll be back soon
*he might get a little... rough
*wheels up to them*
*wakes up* h-hm?
*rubs eye* h-hi
well *yawns cutely*
sure *sleepily*
w-where's sans?
O-ok *sits up*
thanks *takes muffin and takes a small bite*
mm! it's good!
<walks back out with pink stuff hanging outside of mouth>
*hey I'm back!
*huh? what do you mean?
?! h-huh? um s-sans?
<feels face>
<widens eye sockets>
*oops <smiles>
*tilts head cutely* *is confused*
*remember I said pap was in heat? I um helped him out with that...
*eyes widen*
hm? why are you covering my ears? *looks up at you*
*sorry you had to know that
?? what about me? *looks up innocent*
*yeah he ate them...
*snuggles with blanket*
*shrugs* I-I don't know
*everything I wanna do you wouldn't want to do...
I-I'm good...*slightly covers face with blanket*
*muffles slightly* NOTHING SEXUAL!!
*looks down*
*shivers slightly*
*thats the only thing I wanna do
<looks around> *sooo
<grabs it>
*giggles slightly*
O-ok fine
*gets controller*
*wakes up* wa-HUH?!
h-heh I'm not really good but I'll try
*oh you can try!
*blushes* *looks at him*
h-huh?! w-wait! w-what happens if I win? *tilts head innocently*
*um idk you get the money! <places $100>
ok...*looks at screen*
*shivers slightly and scoots closer to sans*
*oh baby wanna sit on my lap? <gets ready and looks at ORBI>
*blushes* I-it's ok *leans against him*
<pulls her on anyway>
*blushes* o-ok... *leans on him* *gets ready*
*picks character*
<picks sexy character>
*still slightly blushing* *nuzzles under his chin*
*whats wrong hon?
<bombs go off>
oh geez! *my character dodges*
*attacks him with guns*
cmon that's not a fair fight to begin with...
ahh! *character dodges* *shoots from behind*
o-ok! *starts attacking sans character with guns*
<jumps up high>
oh goodness!!
o-oh!! ok *kicks his character into the air and does special*
oh my!
ok! *attaches him with power move*
heres my special attack!! *uses special attack*
*slams his character to the ground*
I-I don't know...
oh no!! *covers mouth* looks up at him* sans?! you ok?
*sorry I was dealing with a MAJOR BΓ”NER
*blushes bright red*
*oh you like that don't you Orbi? πŸ˜πŸ’œ
*covers face* *muffled* n-not really
*uncovers face slightly*
*oh sure you do~
*oh I know you all do~
*looks down and frowns*
*jumps slightly* *looks away frowning*
*Orbi, your frowning more than usual...
hm? oh yeah...I'm fine *fake smile*
<squints> *thats not your usual smile...
*eyes widen slightly* *looks down*
*Orbi? is it me?
*shakes head no*
*Are you sure? I feel like it's me
*hugs him around the neck* *shaking slightly*
I-I don't know...I-I'm scared...*hugs him tighter* *shaking more*
*of me....?
*or if you feel more comfortable you can tell her instead
*shakes head no* I-If I was s-scared of you...I wouldn't be hugging you...*nuzzles under his chin shaking out of fear*
s-something bad...is going to happen *tears up* *hug him tighter*
*like rape?
w-worse *shuts eyes tight as a tear falls*
m-murder....genocide....*shaking violently* *chokes up*
*tries not to cry*
a human...*lets out a small sob*
I-it's...*starts to cry on his shoulder*
*is it chara? ((I honestly don't know if there's any of that in underlust))
*cries* *nods slightly* ((maybe...I'm not sure myself))
*nuzzles into his shoulder* *calms down slightly*
*is silent* *hugs sans for comfort*
*buries face into his chest*
?? *takes muffin off my head*
*a small smile cracks from the side of my mouth*
*clings to sans* *slightly giggles*
*closes eyes*
*is sleeping on sans chest* *breaths softly*
*just don't!
*opens eyes slightly* *wakes up* hm...*nuzzles*
<sleeps too>
<talks in sleep> *ooo~
<giggles seductivly>
*oops sorry <laughs
*wakes up* !! *starts shaking*
*looks at sans worried*
-falls from the sky- SHHHIIIIIIII -lands on top of sans-
AHH!! *gets tackled as well*
-looks at sans- um....
*ok I'm not complaining, I have two girls on top of me
*is getting crushed* h-help...
*oops <helps both get up safely>
*takes a deep breath* *rubs arm* *sniffles*
*you feeling better?
*nods slowly* *wipes tears away quickly* *rubs arm*
<chuckles at her as she falls> *thats good Orbi
*giggles* *starts smiling*
*giggles more*
*ok um I'm gonna go check on pap again... I'll bring him some more muffins
*hey wait take ORBI with you
*yeah she'll be alone here
o-ok *goes with you*
*bye! I might catch up with you guy's later
*waves to him* bye for now *smiles sweetly*
<walks into paps room€
*giggles* *follows out* *closes the door gently*
*shrugs* sure
*shrugs* I don't know
*sighs* *looks at sans door and looks head*
a head*
*looks back*
*giggles more*
?! huh?
n-no your not...
w-well we could get some nice cream if you want
*giggles* ok *starts walking ahead*
*looks back at his house*
*sighs* *sits on the edge*
*keeps looking at his door*
huh? *walks in and closes door*
I'm not that emotional...
!! *wipes tears away* shut up...
*sighs* *puts blanket over them* *sits on the arm of the couch* *sighs*
*looks at papyrus' door and then at U_T_S* ...
*giggles softly*
*sighs* *looks at the his door*
((I don't know if we're gonna continue this...))
((I honestly don't know either I'll post another one though))