


2 1
Nice dude
okay do you actually promise girl
text me
I will bring some lollies to school that i will steal out of Mums cuboard. Catch you later. By the way Lollipop LOL!!!😻😻😻😻😻
lol OK
all of this stuff will make us very powerful wolves and we can destroy Gideon and Beau
I will bring a packet of gingerbread men so we can eat those as swell!!!!! We will turn so very fat not
at is so okay. I was making a chocolate cake out of dark dark dark brown sand. t was so mooshy. See you at school. bye
I want you to text me now
before you text me. How was grading??? Did you MOVE up a belt. What are you telling for news at school today
what are telling for news and this is the last time I am asking you OKAY
I can always spot the difference and it is this 😵😲 EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZEY
see you at school