16 years olddd🥀
Adams little sisterrr🥀
i think I'm taken I don't know🥀🤷‍♀️
that's ittt🥀💞


tappp🤤 sarahhh🥀 16 years olddd🥀 Adams little sisterrr🥀 i think I'm taken I don't know🥀🤷‍♀️ pancakes🥀👀 that's ittt🥀💞

23 0
you think? hxll yeah you're taken princess 😍
yayyyy I didn't wanna die alone 😂💞
hi I'm Luna! I'm dating your older brother :)
oh so your luna😂you have my brother going crazzyy😂
aww he's adorable 😭 and yeah that's me!
ew that's gross😂 he's dumb earlier he though and orange was spelled orage
oh lord 🤦🏼‍♀️ I'm gonna have to give that boy some spelling lessons 😂
you do 😂
hey when is Adam's birthday?
in like 3 days from now
okay tysm
your welcome
okay thank you :)
your welcome:)