Who has a guy best friend?  (I confess.. I might have several haha) anyway in the past I had a lot of drama with some of my best friends( that were girls) so I feel like being friends with guys are way less dramatic BUT! I have been blessed with a tot


Tap Who has a guy best friend? (I confess.. I might have several haha) anyway in the past I had a lot of drama with some of my best friends( that were girls) so I feel like being friends with guys are way less dramatic BUT! I have been blessed with a tot

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ally awesome and amazing friend and she is da bomb lol and I’m so thankful for her friendship but who agrees with me that guy friends are great too and you can be friends with them without being boyfriend/girlfriends?
YES!!! so many people are like “yOu ArE fRiEnDs WitH A gUY. R u 2 DaTiNg!” and I’m like NOOOOOO We are just friends😂😂😂😂😂😂
yessss!! I’ve known him since I was born. we have the same last name so everyone (including some of my closest friends) think one of two things: a) we are cousins, or b) we are dating. they’re like ‘omgggg you two are boyfriend and girlfriend, so cuteeee’ and I’m like ‘um am I even allowed to have a friend of the opposite gender without people constantly telling me we’re in love. like yeah I do love him but as a best friend. as a brother even. dating him would literally be like getting with my bro.’ I feel your struggles. and just to clarify we’re not dating or related. I enjoyed ranting about this so ty!!💖👍🌟
soooo glad we can relate!!! like just because I hang out with them doesn’t mean I have a crush on them!! lol even my best friends tease me about him!! #lifestrugglesasateengirlwithaguyfriendwhoisntaboyfriendbuteveryonethinksheis!!! what a hashtag, ima use that more often lol😂💖👍✨
I have several too
and I totally agree that you can be friends with them without being boyfriend girlfriend!!
(with boys)
that’s sooooo cute