UGHH I've still got editors block I need a cure ASAP!πŸ™ The cringe.In other news I wore socks with my Birkenstocks #KillingFashion πŸ˜‚


UGHH I've still got editors block I need a cure ASAP!πŸ™ The cringe.In other news I wore socks with my Birkenstocks #KillingFashion πŸ˜‚

82 0
10/10 DUH
Well it says out of ten but I'd actually give you a 6920869936720102727/10 😘
Lol yap ☺️
lol!!! we should incorporate that into the movie somehow: beiber backflips with socks and sandals!
*annoying girl voice* ugh, darrrrrling! I've told you a millino times! sicks don't go with sandals! wait what is this on your hair! ugh sweetie you have split ends!
of course!!! will be the richest kids ever!!!
of coarse it was good! This too is amazing! Be proudπŸ†πŸ’—
yes!!!!!! that's gonna be our top selling merchandise!!
thanks, I'm going to give you credit!
no I found it online ☺️
ya, there are a lot out there
July 13th😌 you didn't miss them
totally! and we'll hand out giant socks as blankets!!
of course!!! and all tvs will be sock shaped!!!