My f没cking cut  why does it happen when I save a friend I get hurt


My f没cking cut why does it happen when I save a friend I get hurt

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Hey dude u okay
got surprised when an ambulance came im like OMG wat happened
Nate is asleep it's me -AJ
Oh yeah is that u i see u i think ur near his room
yap that's me
why r u in the hospital it's on lockdown
OH hey, yeah how did u get in his ipad he has a pass lock on that
I'm on his phone and I know his pass lock
LOL me too
dude its lockdown why r u here
i work here in this hospital
u did :;
u r a doc or a nurse
cool u must suck at it
hey i can kill ur friend by injecting muscle spam relaxer. he would DIE
ok fine I'll be back
u goin to the restroom
yap I did
omg Nate no plz just no plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is there doctors 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
leave Nate alone
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz what did he do to u
right A.J
sexy purple guy omg*faints*
haha I got u Mark
seleste tf
u cant tell me wat to do im here not u
what the f没ck
leave Nate alone now馃槨馃槨馃槨馃槨馃槨馃槨馃槨馃槨
OH god its seleste/mangle
shut up sexy purple guy
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz STOP U a**
DUDE its mark
shut up NOW !!!!!!!!! ahhhhhh what do u want
ok watever
my real name ok
hahahahhaha I got u
me what do i want nothing im not gonna kill him ok
oops dude this one is urs bye
stop no
I fxk ing hate u leave now 馃槫馃槫馃槫馃槫馃槫馃槫馃槫馃槫馃槫馃懣馃懣馃懣馃懣馃懣馃懣馃懣馃懣馃懣馃懣the bish is out
*looking through the window* hahaha
u a** go to hxll
what do u want
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz take me instead of him plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz AJ I'm SRRY just plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hey dude gotta go home im done with my shift
what shift
he works here
I only go to work for 6 hours by the way bye
I can't believe u 馃様
why would u do that 馃槗馃槗
do what
did AJ do something
and to think I actually fell for him
u fell for his tricks omg
he seemed so mad @ me ... I fell for it
but yea I'm crushing on him
awe srry