Let's get them to -0 followers. I have 11. I guess people agree with me. You all say that they "care for each other." You don't know them. DO YOU? Give me an example of how they did that. Huh? Can you? They need to delete their account. Why do they have 1


Let's get them to -0 followers. I have 11. I guess people agree with me. You all say that they "care for each other." You don't know them. DO YOU? Give me an example of how they did that. Huh? Can you? They need to delete their account. Why do they have 1

2 1
There is no such thing as minuses. It's called negative. I asked 10 people right right now and they said there is no such thing as negative 0, minus 0, or positive 0. There is only 0. And, FYI, I was just doing math. Like for 30 mins. How about you check for yourself. Your wrong.
Unfollow me!
you have to answer this question or else I'll report u over and over until u answer it. why do u hate them so much that you made this account?😐
your a terrible person
I bet your so ugly
don't agree with me
comment all of your hate about me on my page see if I care
try me
go do it I dare you
I would rather you make a hate page about me than them so go ahead
let your hate out on me
I'll give you a few examples of how they care for each other! When Amber left her house, Luke looked after her. And when Amber passed out, Luke helped her by doing first aid.
Even if everyone unfollows them (which I know that they won't) I'll still follow them!
Hey look! Another collage for me to report!😊
You don't know them either. What gives you the right to bully them. I'm pretty sure that's a crime. Bet you don't want to spend years of your life in jail.
plz unfollow me and stop liking my post
-0 isn't a number. 😑
what do u have against them? r u jealous?
See? Everyone is saying that it isn't a number
How about you get to 0 followers! And they can't have -0 followers! If they have 0 followers, they cant have -0! They have no difference!
-0 is not even a number smarty
They deserve 10000 followers
You are a bully.I am reporting you and I don't care if you lose all your followers! You are the one who deserves the -0 followers,not them!!!(Yes I know -0 isn't a number)
why do I not like them they did not do anything to u?
sorry to tell you , but I always win arguments. and kindness always wins, so might just want to forfeit
You can hate me but not them and they are just kids! Fake or real we love them and their stories.
Go read your maths textbook. No such thing as -0
go do your home work so you won't be such an idiot anymore!
yay you made it to 11 followers * she says as sarcastically as she can* that's just 11 more mean people in the world while their followers are over 1000 more nice people in the world I think we know who outnumbers who unless if you can't do the math
^^^^^^ I don't think he knows what a math textbook means
there is no such thing as -0! and I thought humans were born with a brain
First of all, -0 ISN'T A NUMBER. Second, if they didn't care about each other, don't you think they would have left each other by now? Well, they HAVEN'T.
could you stop saying -0? there is no thing as positive or negative zero!!!!
0 is a neutral number, there's no such thing as -0, besides statistics show that 0% (sorry, -0) percent of haters are happy, so your sad and taking it out on others, not very healthy if you ask me