<<tap please>>
I have been writing this for about 5 hours.. I know some people need to hear this.. sorry that it’s small 💕
I’m staying up a bit later, HMU to talk


<<tap please>> I have been writing this for about 5 hours.. I know some people need to hear this.. sorry that it’s small 💕 I’m staying up a bit later, HMU to talk 3/22/19

37 1
so beautiful❤️yes no one should miss the marvel movie! it’s the last avengers movie too😂😭
this is sooo worthy of being shown every where. I love it
Zack~ heyyyy
Zack~ thnx *smiles*
Jake~ hi
Jake~ hey nice to meet u
Jake~ I’m good and u?
Jake~ oh lol 😂 sameee
Zack~ I’m good
Jake~ like what?
I love this so much
especially the part where it says it a bad day not a bad life
Jake~ u chose
ah this is beautiful
read this everyday
why would she...?????
I love “Its just a bad day, not a bad life.” 😭😢
Love this post