at school with my friends im very bored babe where are you-Perrie


at school with my friends im very bored babe where are you-Perrie

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hey baby ❤️
good you
hey babe sorry my phone went dead X I'm fine
these girls keep asking me out but i say that im already in love ❤️❤️
hey baby sorry I just came home from school ...are they the girls in the picture ❤️
awww boo I'm in love aswell ~Ciara
i will always love you
and I will always love you too baby I knew this is very very randomness and wierd but I really wanna hear your voice ❤️
i wanna hear yours to
😂😂 lol yup
lol wyd?
trying to get a hold of a friend her name is Lauren but she isnt answering me