Collage by zebadman14


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it is 4:32 here๐Ÿ˜„
dude u r awesome cuz u have the time to spam a lot of people
thnx but I don't have the time to wait till 8:00 A.M to open Christmas presents
dang is it that importan
my house is like pitch black (exraeratteing) but meh
the only reason I'm here right now is because it's helping me wait
I already know my mom got me a lava lamp
hahaha I always wanted a lava lamp..... do u believe in Santa cuz I don't
but I won't make fun of u ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
I don't and it's because my mom was talking about prices when I was telling her what was gonna be on my list
yea cuz u had a post about be living in Santa I dunno I have to go to sleep
do u use flipnote
on the dsi
I can but don't
oh I do
if u played Pokemon b and w go check out one of my newest post it is Pokemon flipnote pic but one of the pic tho
my eyes r dry
I have to wait till 8 before I get to kick my parents awake and open presents
no fair
thx for checking the post out ๐Ÿ˜„
I've been awake all night no sleep and I don't think I can wait 2 hours
my eyes r killing me
do u know what state I live In cuz Pokemon says where I live๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜ฌ
mine arn't
mine r cuz I was on the computer the dsi and my iPad
didn't check but I looked at time played and I've been playing Pokemon Y way long than u playing Pokemon X
yea cuz I started like 5 weeks ago.....
and it is really easy
yea I played Pokemon Diamond for like 350 hours I think I dunno but it was around there
cuz I love Diamond I would just wonder around just listening tho the music
I'm so exsided for Christmas presents I've been talking bout Mario maker for so long that I might cry if I don't get it
my bro was about to get the wii u but he got the Xbox one so I can never play Mario maker๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
I feel so bad for u and did u see the new update trailer the clown car CAN SHOOT FIRE HOW COOL IS THAT
I know I have to go to sleep bye
i got a hard drive (4 terra bytes and a processer), a xbox elite controller and gift cards so overall i loved this year christmas
did u get the super Mario maker u wanted ?