Collage by Collage-School


1 9
if you want to spread the word about ur acc I would recommend doing a little self promo! this can be in the form of remixes or comments. here is an example of one.
hello!! this is a school for aspiring collagers so please check out my account! there, you learn things like icons, bgs, text, and so much more. our ultimate goal is for you to have a polished account and lots of respect from other collagers. please join and sign up! đź’—
you can just copy and paste it anywhere ig. I recommend pop page accounts and features. a lot of ppl aren’t too happy abt self promo so if they ask you to take it down, just delete it.
Yeah, I don’t do it a lot.
We also need another teacher do you know anyone who might do it?
I usually just use self promo on people’s acc’s that I know