


7 1
I can't
my fault.
Rittik, this is not your fault. This is really nobody's fault but my own. I can't cope with the depression that I've been living with for the past seven years. My grades started slipping because I can't do my work. Whenever I try to do anything I do it wrong, get yelled at, get shoved down kicked, or I end up getting into a situation that I can't get out of.... this is just my life.... I should be used to this by now but it just gets worse...
...that's my life only that my life is worse...
...I got shoved onto the pavement behind a restaurant and got my ribs almost broken. My parents then hit my ribs as hard as humanly possible.... I think that at least one of them are broken....
we are here for u... friends never let u down 😊😊
you don't deserve any of the pain- and you deserve your friends who love you. we wouldn't be your friends if we didn't care for you 💕