I'm sorry tired of people gettin jealous over nothin πŸ™„πŸ˜‘


I'm sorry tired of people gettin jealous over nothin πŸ™„πŸ˜‘

12 0
hey beautiful. it's Zach. you single?
hiπŸ™ŠβœŒπŸ½οΈ and πŸ”takenπŸ” and r u really a guy with a girls profile picπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Sorry about that. my friend Zach and Blake are going to use this ACC too
ok!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that's weridπŸ€”
not really. it's weird that we are all best friends and they are both my exs but ya
oh cool!πŸ˜‚