I'm bored chat ? Anyone


I'm bored chat ? Anyone

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hello πŸ˜›
how are u
solve the riddle, I am the destroyer of mountains and people and animals and plants and cars and electronics and little children possibly, what am I?
give me an other one
god does not do that idiot he doesn't destroy anything except for you
first I don't give a πŸ’©and second don't call me an idiot
ok cuz if u was to be a mother f**ker u can suck a d**k
want I meant
whatever call me what u want I can careless
just don't comment on my f**king pics and post
ok, just don't get too mad
yo, I have another riddle
I got one
what's green and tastes good 😊
so a girl was mentally ill, she was in a hospital from how ill she was, a murderer came in with a pair of scissors, then he killed the girl, the next day, detectives came and searched the body, there was no cuts, blood or bruises, how did the murderer kill her?
green tea
he killed his self
and no it's weed
he cut the oxygen cord
ummm well then I could of thought of that
r you high as ****
kinda I'm getting there
oh ****
should I gtfo before anything bad happens??
I'm doing something so not safe right now hahah
oh Jesus
don't do anything f***ed up ok
I'm in a car high as f**k well almost lol πŸ˜‚ and my friend is drunk 😡 and driving
lol I'm so weak
oh dude, that's a bad idea, you can die
I'm not trying to worry you
I'm not worried at all
just don't get high enough to where you see rainbow as your feet, or see your friend as a piece of chicken