Star Wars

I had a school dance today and mY fEEt HuRt
My crush wasn’t there though
And even if he was he prolly wouldn’t dance with me 😂
I jammed out to You’re Welcome and DJed for some 5th and 6th graders
We had to ban the Caillou theme


✨💧✨ Bwahaha Star Wars I had a school dance today and mY fEEt HuRt oUch My crush wasn’t there though And even if he was he prolly wouldn’t dance with me 😂 I jammed out to You’re Welcome and DJed for some 5th and 6th graders We had to ban the Caillou theme

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Lol, sounds more fun than my school dances
omg the caption 😂
re:// aw tysm 💕 it took 5 hours heh
love this!