time for a 5sos spam to pïss off everyone who hates them, like they don't already get enough of it sheug


time for a 5sos spam to pïss off everyone who hates them, like they don't already get enough of it sheug

49 0
I MEANT ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BUT OL
ha it sounds like sugar
sheug we're going down swinging
ok what the fūck not cool
calums a 🆒guy. plus he's the only one I knew years ago when heartbreak girl was getting released
I'm honestly so angry right now the whole Rolling Stones thing was f*cked up in every way
^same honestly just
Arzaylea said that she was never interviewed, but you never know if she's telling the truth or not. I'm just angry that some people in the fam are leaving, like we all know that 5sos would never say anything like that.
Especially Calum I can't see him saying anything like that.
I don't have much social media i hope u can tell me exactly what's going on ? I'm really struggling to keep up here😑😑😑