The new fonts are really cool πŸ‘Œ. Been rewatching Once Upon A Time with the intention of finishing it this time and my favourite character is still Rumple/Mr Gold. I think I like villains lol.


The new fonts are really cool πŸ‘Œ. Been rewatching Once Upon A Time with the intention of finishing it this time and my favourite character is still Rumple/Mr Gold. I think I like villains lol.

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although is he really a villain? idk, but he's not exactly got the conventional attributes of a hero so...
also this is like the most obvious rumple quote but sometimes the really obvious ones are the best lol
this is amazing
omg i have to rewatch it too!! and i agree i love him also thanks
rumple was greatβ€” I love this quote πŸ‘Œβœ¨
also i just finished season 7 a couple months ago and i really like this show even though sometimes its not good sjfjfjfj its like my guilty pleasure