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News update!

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we have got your back!!! we love you honey-bunnies stay strong #wehatehusnaa
stay strong, I am your biggest fan, no one can hurt you #wehatehusnaa
love you, stay strong #WEHATEHUSNAA
we have got your back
thanks guys so much, thanks for your support everyone love you all lets get _husnaa_ kicked out
she already left pc...
yay I'm going to be free and not bullied
you called me fat and ugly so why should I own up
stop trying to act innocent when I'm hurt
I will prove it to u, that u said that to me
shut up ur so jealous of her
no I didnt stop lying I have proof u said it to me
it's probably because she has more followers she stronger
for being on my side
you shouldn't have hurt me
I pick none now
by saying "#wehatehusunna" that's is BULLYING. I don't CARE who started it, but creating a hashtag to retaliate is NOT OKAY. she did not call you that, she was quoting what you had said to her. LEAVE HER ALONE
don't make a HATE PAGE for her, maybe we should make a hate page for you then huh? because you're the one who called her that
please u don't understand I'm so hurt
I do understand, this is a huge misunderstanding and you're OVER REACTING. she just QUOTED what YOU had said to HER.
making a hate page and this hashtag is also bullying. you can't be a victim when you yourself are the bully
stop everyone
it's all husnaas fault! the end
if people like my account, they do, but if you don't think my account is good out of frustration please back away!! 😊
and it isn't her fault.
end of story
If you want her to stop bullying you. Ignore her and she'll stop. You could just simply block her. Giving her attention will only make it worse. Trust me I've had haters before but I don't mention them because there's no point to it. It only makes things worse.
thanks for Te advice
who is hunaa and What she did?
making a hate page=not a good solution. it's also bullying.