Collage by Jake-Andrew-Matt-Dylan


22 3
Hey I'm Aly *smiles and looks down*
Hey Aly *smiles*
Hey Jake *smiles*
I'm good how are you? *smiles and looks down*
Great *lifts your chin up and smiles*
That's good *blushes and looks down again* your really cute
*smiles* Thanks beautiful *lifts your chin up again* *leans in and kisses you softly*
*kisses you back* thanks you for telling me I'm pretty *smiles* even thought I'm not
*smiles* You are pretty
*looks away* no I'm not *laughs*
*smiles* Yes you are!
No I'm not you are though *smiles*
Your way cuter than me *smiles and kisses you softly*
your way cuter then me I swear *kisses you back and looks down and plays with my hands*
That's so not true
It is really true! You are an amazing guy *smiles and kisses you*
*smiles and kisses you softly* Thanks love
*Smiles* So what do you like to do for fun *lays on your lap*
Talk to pretty girls like you *smiles and places my hands on your waist*
*smiles and touches your abs* I like to you
*smiles* do you play any sports do you.....have a girlfriend?
I play basket ball.. and no I do not *smiles*
I play volleyball....and I don't have a guy *smiles*
*smiles* How can someone as beautiful as you not have a boyfriend?
*Blushes and looks away* Ummm maybe because they don't think I'm beautiful *looks away and plays with my hands*
Well, I can think of one guy who thinks your beautiful
Are they blind? *smiles*
Nope *smiles* Wanna know who he is?
Yes I do wanna know *smiles*
Well.. his name starts with a J and ends with a E
Is it.......Jake? *smiles and looks up*
Yup *smiles and kisses you softly* Aly, I really like you. I liked you since the first day we met. Aly, you my world and my stars and I was wondering.. will... will you go out with me? *holds out roses*
*Kisses you back* Yes of course I will Jake *hugs you*
*smiles* I-I love you Aly
*smiles* I love you too Jake
*picks you up and twirls you*
Jake stop *smiles and laughs*
*laughs and runs with you in my arms*
Jake!!! *laughs*
*laughs and runs faster*
*laughs* Stop!!
*laughs and pouts* Fiiiine
*laughs and hugs you*
Jake your the best thing to happen to me! *smiles*
I wouldn't be able to live without you *smiles* Im going to make a post πŸ˜‰
*smiles* me neither
Thank you Jake I love it *smiles*
*smiles* Np. Wanna head over to my house?
Yeah! *starts walking and our hands touch*
*looks at you and smiles*
*looks at you and kisses you softly* So do you live alone or with your parents?
Alone *smiles and kisses you back* If you want you can stay with me?
Yeah that would be great *smiles* So what do you like to do for fun like hobbies or what's your favorite music artist *smiles*
I don't really know *smiles* What's yours?
Brb baby 😘
Ok bye Baby 😘 And favorite artist....I don't know either bye 😘
Good Morning Jake
Morning baby 😍 *picks you up and kisses you*
*kisses you back and laughs* morning
*spins you around*
*laughs* Jaaakkke!
So how did you sleep? *smiles*
Great, you?
I slept...fine *smiles* so what do you want to do
Hm, I don't know. You pick
You pick please *smiles*
Wanna head over to my house? *smiles*
Yeah *smiles and starts to walk*
So who is your favorite b-Ball player
*smiles and walks with you* Idk, I don't really have one, wbu?
Umm Stephen Curry I guess *laughs*
*smiles and laughs a little* What do you wanna do when we get to my house?
I don't know watch a movie?
Sure *puts my arm around you and arrives at my house*
*blushes and walks in* Nice house
Thanks *smiles and walks into living room* What movie?
I don't really know.....How about horror
Sure, you want anything to drink?
No thanks *smiles* You look cute today btw *blushes and looks down*
Thanks beautiful *lifts your chin up and kisses you* You look beyond beautiful today, as always *smiles*
I look horrible today *lays on you* but you look amazing
*smiles* You look beautiful *gets up* I'll be right back *leaves and comes back with something behind my back*
What do you have in your hand? *smiles and eyes your hands* (my friend has a crush on Dylan lol)
*smiles and gets on one knee* Aly, I know we just met yesterday but I truly love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. So I wanted to ask, Will you marry me?
What do you have behind your back* smiles and tries to see it* come on show me please *smiles*
*shows you diamond ring and gets on one knee* Aly, I truly love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?
*cries* of course I will *hugs you* I love you Jake
*smiles and puts the ring on your finger* I love you too Aly *kisses you and hugs you back*
*kisses you and cries* I love you too Jake *smiles*
*wipes your tears and smiles* (Tell your friend that Dylan likes it when girls act shy, he says it's cute)
*smiles and cries more* I love you so much *hugs you and doesn't let go* (I will)
*hugs you* I love you more
No I love you more *smiles*
No I love you more *smiles*
No I love you more *smiles and hugs you*
No I do *kisses you and hugs back*
Nope it's not possible (I think they like each other)
It is possible *smiles* (I think so too)
It's not possible *laughs* (she is about to ask him out I think)
Yes it is! *laughs and smiles* (He likes to take things slow, he said he was gonna ask her out for dinner or something
No it's not *laughs* (I'll tell her that) you are the best Jake
Yes it is! *smiles* Your the best 😘
No you are the best *smiles*
*laughs* Fine *pouts* You win *smiles*
of course I do *smiles*
Jake all those girls are calling you cute I am kinda.....jealous *smiles* I'm sorry *hugs you*
*smiles* Its okay. If you want I can call off the contest if your that jealous?
No I'm not that jealous *smiles* because your mine *looks down*
Yup *lifts your chin up* And I would never leave you
And I would never leave you *smiles*
I guess i can get jealous do you get jealous easy? *smiles and laughs*
Not really unless their flirting
So if someone was flirting with me would you be mad *smiles and looks down*
Well, only if they kissed you or something then I would *smiles*
that would never happen because I have you *smiles*
Yup *smiles*
*smiles* I can't believe we are getting married *cries*
Yeah *wipes your tears*
*cries more* I'm so happy I'm with you Jake
I'm more than happy *smiles*
I am too *smiles* (think it's going good with them)
*smiles* (Yeah)
So I have a question......*bites lip*
What is it?
when we are....married do you.....want kids*blushes and looks down*
Sure *smiles* Do you?
Yes I do *smiles* sorry had to get that out of my mind *lays on you* want to watch that movie *laughs*
*laughs* Sure, what movie?
You choose *smiles*
Hmm, how about something scary? Like Poltergeist?
Okay I get scared easy though *hugs you tightly*
It's alright, I'm here for you *smiles*
*smiles and hugs you tighter* thank you
Welcome beautiful *plays the movie and grabs us a blanket*
*Scary part comes and I scream* sorry *blushes*
*laughs* It's alright *puts my arm around you*
*hugs you tight and keeps on watching smiles at you*
*smiles back and watches the movie*
*scary moment comes turns my head into your chest*
*smiles at you*
*turns my head out and blushes* I get scared easily you don't do you *laughs*
*laughs a little*
*last scary moment comes and screams* ok ok it's over *laughs* I feel embarrassed now *hides my face in my hands*
*laughs* It's okay *smiles*
*laughs* I get scared way to easily hey do you have and basketball shorts I can use these jeans are too hot
Yeah I do *gets up*
*follows you*
*walks to my room*
*walks in* nice room *smiles*
*smiles* Thanks *gets you a pair of basketball shorts*
*goes and changes in bathroom and comes out* I look horrible right now *puts my hair in a messy bun*
You look sexy, as always *smiles and pulls you close*
Thank you *smiles back and puts my arm around your neck*
*puts my hands on your waist*
You look really hot today *smiles and looks down*
Thanks *smiles* So about our future baby..
What is it? *smiles and looks at you*
Do you know.. do it now? Instead of waiting till we're married?
yeah sure *smiles and takes off your shirt slowly*
*smiles and slides your basketball shorts down*
*blushes and slowly takes off your jeans*
*bites lip and slips my hand down your underwear*
*bites lip and smiles and takes off your boxers*
*takes your shirt off and unclips your bra*
*smiles and feels your abs*
*bites lip*
*bites my lip and French kisses you*
*french kisses you hard*
*French kisses you back hard*
*keeps French kissing you*
*smiles against our lips and keeps kissing you*
*pulls you against my body and keeps kissing you*
*Keeps kissing you and puts my arm around your neck*
*puts my hands on your waist and keeps kissing*
*Keeps kissing you*
*lightly pushes you onto my bed*
*bites my lip and smiles*
*smiles and slides your underwear off*
*bites my lip*
*smiles* Lets get serious
*smiles* I'm ready
*kisses you and slides my hand over your p****
*kisses you back and moans*
I gtg to basketball practice. We can continue later 😘 Bue
Bye 😘
Hey Jake 😘
Hey baby 😘
how was B-Ball practice
That's cool I am kinda thinking of playing now but I can't decide *hugs you*
You should it's fun
Yeah I am okay at it not that good but it will get my mind off things *smiles*
Don't worry I bet you'll be awesome at it one day
Yeah Maybe I will but till then I suck lol
*smiles* It's alright *kisses you*
*kisses you back and smiles* yeah it is
*grabs your waist*
*puts my hands around your neck*
*kisses you and gently pushes you down on my bed*
*lays down and keeps kissing you*
*kisses your neck*
*moans a little*
*sucks on your neck*
*moans more*
*sucks on it harder*
*moans loud*
*smiles and sucks harder*
*smiles* I love you Jake
I love you too baby *smiles*
I love you so much *smiles*
I love you more baby
Nope not possible *laughs and lifts your shirt and feels your abs*
*bites lip* Lets call it a tie *smiles*
Yeah let's do that *smiles*
*smiles and takes your shirt off*
*bites my lip and takes off yours*
*undoes your bra and bites lip*
*takes off your jeans and bites lip*
*bites lip*
you look really hot today *bites lip and looks down*
Thanks baby *takes your pants off*
Your welcome *bites lip*
*takes your underwear off and bites lip*
*bites lip and smiles*
Aye Jake *smiles*
Hey baby
Hey Jake
Aye *smiles*
*smiles* Aye *hugs you*
Jake *smiles*
*smiles* I love you *hugs back*
I love you too but I love you way more
I love you more *grabs your waist*
Nope I love you way more *puts my arm around your neck*
Nope *laughs*
Yup it's true I'm sorry but I win I love you more *smiles and kisses you*
Ughh *smiles* Fine *kisses you*
I knew it *laughs*
*smiles* You always win
I know I do *laughs* I will always win
*smiles and looks in your eyes and kisses you*
*kisses you*
*continue kissing you and smiles*
*keeps kissing you*
*keeps kissing you lifts your shirt and touches your abs*
*smiles in our kiss*
*smiles back in the kiss*
*keeps kissing you* (I gtg soon)
*keeps kissing you* (it's okay *smiles)
*smiles* (Babe I gtg I'll brb in like an hour or so, I have basketball practice)
*smiles* Okay bye *smiles*
Bye 😘
(btw it worked out with Chelsea and Dylan I'm happy for them okay bye$
Hey Jake *smiles*
Jake I miss you *pouts*
Sorry baby my phone died *smiles and grabs your waist and pulls you closer* *
It's okay *bites my lip and smiles*
How can I make it up to you? *smiles*
I don't know *looks at you and bites my lip*
I think you do know *smiles and begins to take your shirt off* Don't be shy
*bites my lip and smiles* I won't *blushes*
*smiles* So you want to? *puts my hand on your bra strap*
*smiles* Yeah *blushes and puts my hand up your shirt*
*undoes your bra and takes your pants off*
*smiles* I love you Jake
I love you too Aly *smiles big*
But I love you more *starts kissing you*
So not true *begins kissing you*
It's really really true *keeps kissing you*
Nope *keeps kissing*
Yeah it's is *smiles and keeps kissing*
Nope *kissing*
Yup it's very true *kissing you and puts my arms around your neck *
Nope *takes your underwear off and lays you down*
*bites my lip and smiles*
Did I win? *smiles and takes my shirt off*
Yay! What's my prize? *smiles*
*Takes off your jeans and boxers and starts sucking it fast*
*moans* Dang baby
*smiles* I am kinda a bad girl sometimes *starts sucking faster*
I like that baby *smiles and moans*
*sucks faster and smiles*
*moans and smiles*
*deep throats* I love you Jake
*moans* I love you to babe
*sucks faster* I love you more Jake
Jake *hugs you* I don't think I'm ready yet *cries* I'm sorry
How about we call it a tie? *smiles*
*hugs you and wipes your tears* It's alright Aly I understand
*hugs you* I love you
Jake I miss you
Jake I really miss you *pouts*
Sorry baby *kisses you* Dylan's little cousin came over
It's Okay *kisses you back*
And hey it worked out between Dylan and Chelsea *smiles*
*smiles* Dylan said their getting married
*smiles* Really?!?! she didn't tell me but it worked out but I think we are cuter
Jake *pouts* I miss you a lot
Yeah *smiles* I won't be on a lot today cause me and Dylan have to baby sit again πŸ˜”
It's okay *smiles* that's so adorable
And I know you won't see this probably but *kisses you*
Aye baby
Aye Jake
Sorry I haven't been on in forever *hugs you*
*hugs you back* it's okay *smiles*
*smiles* I've missed you
Yeah sorry bout that
No it's okay *smiles and hugs you*
*smiles and kisses you*
*kisses you back* I missed those *smiles*
*smiles* I've missed them too
*smiles and kisses you* I missed them way more
Jake I have something to tell you Chelsea didn't know Dylan was at the funeral and she was texting Dylan and then saw the post about him going and now she feels horrible and has been cutting herself all day but is acting for everybody and I'm kinda scared and I couldn't tell anybody else
I missed them more *smiles*
Why does she feel horrible?
No I did because she felt like she was bothering him during that time and she feels like she is a bi**h
I told Dylan he's a little sad. he doesn't wanna see the one he loves getting hurt
Well he just got over his mom dying I wouldn't either
He never really got over it
Goodnight Jake talk to me in the morning
Okay goodnight baby 😘
I love you so much I've missed you *kisses you*
Good morning Jake *hugs you*
Jake someone is raping Chelsea
I love you too baby 😘 Wait! I gotta tell Dylan
Good Morning Jake
Morning baby 😘
Morning Jake *smiles*
Aly, Dylan and Shay are getting into a big fight. I think Dylan's gonna get hurt
Yeah I do too
Actually, Dylan is really good at solving problems and stuff like this. I don't think he's gonna get hurt
Well know that they are talking yeah Jake I love you
I love you too Aly *grabs your waist and pulls you close*
*bites my lip and smiles* I love you more Jake
I don't think so *puts you against wall and starts kissing you*
*smiles and kisses you back* I missed this a lot *smiles*
Me too *lays you down and keeps kissing you*
*keeps kissing you and smiles*
*smiles* I love you Jake *lifts your shirt and touches your abs*
*smiles and bites lip* I love you too
I love you way more *bites lip and kisses you*
*hovers by lips over yours and whispers* I love you more
*bites lip* nope can't be possible *smiles* You and Dylan are really close aren't you Chelsea and Dylan are cute together
They are cute together but I think we're cuter together *kisses you softly* And yeah we are
*kisses back* They are cute together *smiles* Chelsea is an amazing girl and really pretty and yeah we are more cute together
*smiles* Dylan's a pretty chill guy
*smiles* He seems like he is *kisses you and puts my arms around your neck*
*puts my hands on your waist* And your a beautiful, sweet, and very talented girl
*blushes* No I'm not But you are handsome nice and talented
Thanks, and yes you are😍
Gtg baby. Me and Dylan are going to basketball
No I'm not okay bye can we talk later?