Shoutout to LovelyCollages! Sorry, the icon wouldn't load…


Shoutout to LovelyCollages! Sorry, the icon wouldn't load…

17 1
That's okay! That happens to everyone who has a gif icon, I hope PC fixes that soon! And TYSM, ur sooooo sweet!!!!💖💖💖💖😄😄😄😄😄
My fave animal is dolphins!🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬 Who's ur fav actress?
Kk! I'll remix now too!
I think that's my fav of ur collages too!
Here's my fave of the collages I've made, my Moana one!
Who's ur fave actor?
My fave actress is Daisy Ridley
Thx! If u haven't liked my baby Moana collage yet, could u plz like it? I only need 1 more like till it has 50 likes!
It was the baby Moana one, u already liked it! But u can like the other one to if u want too. Thx so much!
I guess my fave actor is Chris Evans
I will!!! And thx for chatting with me again, have a nice day!!!!!