I dislike my other post so I am posting again for my own perfectionism-ness


I dislike my other post so I am posting again for my own perfectionism-ness

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😂 I love it.
love the new word😜beautiful!
*tries to figure out if that's sarcasm* *can't because is stupid potato* *attempts to be lowkey in exiting the room* *trips*
😂 it's just that: i haven't left my house all day, and high school is killing me, and yeah✔️ tbh, annoying sarcasm is the best sarcasm💦💤 also, don't die—that could be a problem✨👎🏻
and, oml, same😂👌🏻
dank chu Fren I like this as well🌚🌚
bro—you're following me?! i'm garbage tho💧you're one of my idols on here—wat es diz?!✨🙈
as for your prize...you may haz un cookie🍪
i've been looking on here, and i see twelve year-olds with like 200k followers—they're like internet famous, and i'm over here like "survive life, survive life"
ooooh, does you lives in the uk? dats exciting frand💕✨
i is fifteen too💦☺️ i can't wait until summer's over, because then i can drive—although, i'll probably crash and die🔥💯
oh, greetings—i'm one of those american teenagers you see on tv (the lazy sleep-deprived ones who eat junk food and can't do math)✨
lol, and i never thought about how british people must hate americans' attempts at their accents—we probably sound like idiots🤓✔️
yeah—sorry of confusion—see, by birthday is in the beginning of september, so when summer's over i can get my permit💯💕
*for (i no does grammar good)
*my (*cries* grammar...)
tru, tru, one does not simply math well👎🏻🔥
yeez, we are lazy and kinda arrogant, tbh—i mean look at our presidential candidates (not that you'd care) trump is gross👎🏻🙄
noice, noice💯💦
i'm gonna be terrible—people are the most obnoxious drivers near where i live🙄👎🏻 lol, they never should have given me the power of the horn *BEEEEP*
😂😂😂 bro, he's like a spray-tanned goblin with a wig made of ferret fur—not all of us are like him, i swear😂
ooooohh fancyfancy, now I'm saying everything in my head with an Italian accent
i would see that movie😱😂 (i have a thing for superheroes)✨💕
lol, i assume that's how all europeans see us😂😂 we kinda deserve it🤓🔥
i love ant man😂💕
the moviee's sooo good—probably one of the funniest marvel movies😂
I've never heard someone speak in an Italian accent in real life and now I really want to agh
np you creepy staring guy.
WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! well this is PERFECT!!😍