
Fingers crossed that I can draw in study hall I have it at the end of the day I will post my schedule tomorrow


Tap Fingers crossed that I can draw in study hall I have it at the end of the day I will post my schedule tomorrow

11 1
hey! sry lol I was busy
M y school started 5 weeks ago!!
I start school today! Why World Why!!!!!😫😫😫😫
7th Grade too!!😭😫
nop, not yet. I’ll post them tomorrow!
I had a bunch of syllables(A Piece Of Paper About Our Year That You, Your Parent/Garden, And Teacher Have To Sign)
Ya. I have Lunch/Study Hall. So you don’t have to go. That must be really boring. I gtg now. Bye👋🏻
nice school started today for me! #5:30wakeup!!
aCk. I’ll draw a fox for you seeing as it’s your icon, if you want. Or I can draw your new oc
changed it
you’re part of team animals
UPDATE FOR GAMES!!! Please check my page to find out more:)
There’s a lot of ways to do roleplay. You can either do it in the comments on a roleplay page or in remixes
I don’t mind chatting either :3
Thanks for understanding!
here’s a quote pack:
o o f. I had to sleep ;-;