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that was before as she kept stealing my phone to get me into trouble
is it normal when a family member dies u can still speak to them through ur head
no I swear it was yesterday on one of the collages about da horses
hi I am not dumb gorgie but I am a hater on her page and I have taken over
on a new ive done it to her other one to and changed the pass and logged her out
to stop her so know one has to face her
I don't have an acc
I don't like I
guess who is more of a bîtch than u gorgie the shît cráp owner of this acc
I'm 14
I don't hate u both I've never met u so yeah I only hate the cuñt called gorgie
she was forced to by me and Kate
that was meant to say Katy
no I'm Sally Katy's bff
we have control of her she is like a robot someone in our class said they would pay is £100 pounds if we did this and we got the money today £50 each
10 and Katy has 5 and I have 10 to
it got Katy some happiness after losing her toes she is the only person I care about
she probably already has it I mean her parents starve her
the horse ran over the top
haha she had to get them cut of as they were dead and to bad to keep them on
what do u mean
she did then we went to her house at about 9:00 last night and gave it to her
I could never be that cûnt
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm do I care
I got dis acc back do you really think that I am those people ugh I'm never talking to them again
the truth I have to go and sort da bins out the fox bit a hole in den
dang she got her acc back mean is in my nature
what no it doesn't how come she sent me a text then
oh come on
I'm back
That is it I am going on private till this is over GOODBYE THIS HURTS TO MUCH SO BYE I JUST WANT TO DIE
i just don't know who to trust.
thank you so much for making her go on private maybe she will kill herself for reals this time thank you
I do hate her which is why I am saying thanks for making her go on private
she is a cûnt
ur not
just one question would u like to send her a text
no i did not mean to
know one should die from suicide
I can not believe they hacked the poor thing
I just got a text from Sally saying from Kat : you really should die u were a hater is this true
what?!?! I never said anything like that
I would never say anything like that
I think that everyone should settle down and not comment hate to each other. people are actually getting sick of how stupid this is getting
yeah please ^
I would repost but I think this isn't going to help. People are mean and hate on others for no reason. The Internet is just sad.
It might help. But it won't stop it💦 I'll repost it as my next theme divider or something.
I don't care