Comment below what your fav TSwift song is!! Mine is 22!!!😊


⭐️click⭐️ Comment below what your fav TSwift song is!! Mine is 22!!!😊

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so hard!😶 I think probably Red...or maybe Story Of Us? probably overall I like Starlight😂🌸✨
Can't choose, so I pick all of them!
all of them!👍
when i read the caption i was hearing 22 😂
idk which on Is my fave 😂😂😂 its a hard question gurl 💕
I love all of them! but I think Mine is my fav
all of them!!
all of them
o.m.g I can believe u asked them I think I am going to go with
actually I don't know
"this love"
New Romantics