Idk anything about this group at all but they're honestly all gorgeous omg this was so hard I kinda wanted to put them all first but I'm not gonna be shallow like everyone else and rank all of them the same smh


•Kachicka• Idk anything about this group at all but they're honestly all gorgeous omg this was so hard I kinda wanted to put them all first but I'm not gonna be shallow like everyone else and rank all of them the same smh

16 0
No shït
wElL i DiD oKaY lEaVe Me AlOnE
YASSS IM SO HAPPY U CHOSE THAT MEMBER FOR ONE. i dont feel like explaining why so if u care (u probably dont) just look at the comments on @roliverfransqexysquibblesushi's post on Lovelyz
Omg how though like she's genuinely so pretty people are so fxcking mean??
ikr btw this pic is after she got plastic surgery just so u know