|Song: Shelter by Porter Robinson & Madeon| Anime character: Rin (Shelter)|


|Song: Shelter by Porter Robinson & Madeon| Anime character: Rin (Shelter)|

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I heard this song because of a collage in @MidnightxSky's page, and the animation and story is so beautiful I had to make a collage about it.
AAHAHHA SHELTER!!! >~< hehe sorry I'm a huge fan of Porter Robinson! 0///0 I love this it's really pretty!
Thank you ^^ and I'm also a huge fan of Porter Robinson!
:0 YAY!! I hardly ever meet other Porter fans!!!
Oh my goodness!!! This is.. THIS IS BREATH TAKING!!! *squeee* You've done this song more than justice, I am honored to have introduced it to you.