It's up to Rey and Kylo


It's up to Rey and Kylo

24 1
hey, so it’s been awhile since we’ve spoken! I don’t really know if you even remember Ellie, but she was at NYFW and I just cannot get her out of my head. I used to think that I liked her, but I think I’ve established to myself that I don’t... but I’m not sure. Anyways, I actually found a photo of her, just so you have a good idea of who she is. (her account is public, so it’s not like I’m taking away her privacy)
you okay xxxx
I’m so sorry I haven’t replied, there’s been huge dramas between all my friends and we’ve all split up( I haven’t taken sides and I’m in the middle) and then of course it’s my birthday next uncles in hospital as he had a stroke so👍🏻
yeah I get you girl xx and good luck xx
I'm good you xx
also do you have insta my friend does so I can talk to you on that xx
I’m here x
just busy with school hbu
ohh have fun
re:// yah I’d love to chat! yah I love Doctor Who so much!
I guess
sorry I’m just in a heated argument one minute please my dear
just finished my choir you? xx
hey I have a lot of school friend problems right now 😭😭😭xxx
thank you! I’d love to hear it!!!
oh no don't worry I'll tell you basically this girl apparently likes me and I worked out who it was and all my friends wouldn't tell me xxx
my name is Bella how about u? sorry u don’t have to answer 😂💎
lol okay, take your time!!!
lol it’s fine!!! I don’t blame you for sleeping!!! I’d rather have you sleep than go to school tired!!!
sure go ahead I hope I'm not to late I just got out of school xxx😳
o gosh please answer pleaseee xxx
oh hey thank the heavens what's up why do you need to talk xxx
well I have news two I got an infected two and have to take strong antibiotics and side affects are dizziness so yeah and fevers not great xxxx
it's okay I had to face my fear of taking tablets lol cx
thank you so much I'm so worried rn for you I want you to be happy xxx 😘😘😘
yeah..... xxx I have to take four of these pills everyday xx and they make me feel sick and I have to take them for two weeks so yeah xxx
I'm scared....
oh well no I don't it's just this tablet I hate them and my friend has been unwell and I'm unsure if my boyfriend really likes me anymore honestly xxx
do you have a phone number??? obviously if you can't give me that I totally understand xxxx actually that's a bit to much to ask for sorry xxx
no don't worry about it I'm okay xx🙃
sure xx basically I just don't know anymore maybe it's just the effects of this tablet I have no idea xxx
that’s cool! I’m in Pennsylvania
thanks so much xx💗💗
thanks so much!!! I used to have a friend who was the back-stabby type. We got into the dumbest argument over text, and didn’t talk for a year. After that, she came crawling back to me. It’s been two years since then, and I haven’t let her get close to me ever again. I’m just gonna let her think that we are friends.