Chat page for me and Keely only


Chat page for me and Keely only

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I'm sorry.
It's alright. Keely I need a long kiss
Plz kiss me, I'm sad right now *Tears up*
*Kisses as tears roll down my face*
*Hugs and cries*
I feel cráppy too.
*Cries* I might not have a step dad anymore
*Cries* My step dad likes another woman, my mom is angry at him, and he might get kicked out of the house
*Cries* It feels like losing another dad
*Hugs* How did your mum find out?
*Hugs and cries* I don't know
Okay. Maybe give them time and stay out of their way.
*Cries* This isn't the first time it happened
Do what you think is right then.
*Cries* I'm tired of them fighting
*Cries* I need you to make me feel better by hold me close, stroking my hair and tell me how much you love me
*Kisses back*
*Brings you closer*
Kate, do you think we should talk tomorrow?
You always say that
Yes I wanna talk
I wanna talk everyday
I mean should we stop talking now and talk tomorrow instead?
Plz no
I get lonely when we don't talk
*Tears up* I need you
I need to go worry about school :c
Keely, I need you though
Kate 💔
I've been crying all day