I ship Petekey, Peterick, Joetrick, and Trohley and those contradict each other and the upsetting thing about the Joetrick/Trohley this is that I ship them both a lot and usually at this point people resort to threesomes but Andrick is my nOTP so I can't


I ship Petekey, Peterick, Joetrick, and Trohley and those contradict each other and the upsetting thing about the Joetrick/Trohley this is that I ship them both a lot and usually at this point people resort to threesomes but Andrick is my nOTP so I can't

26 2
dude go to sleep it's almost 12:00 here so it's like 1:25 where you are go to bed
nah it's 12:45 i'm good
*43 I can't read time
ah ok then