Found this pic and it looked so much like me and my girlfriends Rp/fanfic we are doing/writing. Obviously Dan and Phil are married but they adopted their daughter Winnie( Howell-Lester) who has a really sad back story and they have a hard journey t


Click Found this pic and it looked so much like me and my girlfriends Rp/fanfic we are doing/writing. Obviously Dan and Phil are married but they adopted their daughter Winnie( Howell-Lester) who has a really sad back story and they have a hard journey t

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Click Found this pic and it looked so much like me and my girlfriends Rp/fanfic we are doing/writing. Obviously Dan and Phil are married but they adopted their daughter Winnie( Howell-Lester) who has a really sad back story and they have a hard journey to adopting her and when they do its a cute story of them becoming a family.
that's what it was supposed to say
aww that's a cute story :)