There's five more, but I can't remember them right now


There's five more, but I can't remember them right now

14 0
Kate. *Hugs*
Keely *Hugs*
Ily, Kate.
Ily2, Keely
Well I'm back.
Can we Rp for a little while, I promise I won't ask again when we do
What do u want the roles to be since this is the last Rp
What about (Teacher and student)
I'll start
*I walk into class while listening to music*
*Sits at desk*
*Sits, pulls headphones out and draws*
*Looks up* Yea
Put away your drawing.
*Puts it in my backpack*
*Tries not to smile when I look at you*
*Looks at you*
*Looks down and smiles*
*Hands out worksheet*
*Tries not to smile again*
*Sits at desk*
*Looks up* Yea
Finish the sheet.
*Takes the sheet*
*The bell ring*
*Marks it*
*Every student leaves but I stay, so I finish drawing*
*Looks up* Yea
It's time to leave.
I know
*Keeps drawing*
*Looks at you*
*Keeps drawing*
*Looks up* Yea
When are you gonna leave?
I don't know
*Looks at you*
*Looks* Yea
It's 4pm.
Yea I know
What are you doing?
*Looks at my drawing, looks at you, and smiles*
*Looks at you*
*Looks down*
*Looks at computer*
Teacher, can you come see my drawing
*Walks to you*
*Gives you the drawing*
*Its a drawing of me and you kissing*
You're very attractive
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you*
*Blushes* Kate.
*Blushes and smiles* Yea
Kate, this isn't funny.
*Tears up* Sorry
*Walks towards the door*
*Goes in the hallways with tears in my eyes*
*Looks at you* (Can you actually draw that?)
(No 😔)
*Sits against the wall*
(Oh okay) Kate.
*Looks at you and wipes away my tears*
Kate what's wrong?
Tell me.
I guess you must be mad at me for the drawing
*Looks at you*
*Looks down*
Don't worry about it.
*Looks at you* How come
Just I don't want you to be upset.
*Stands and kisses you* Sorry I kissed you
*Looks at you*
*Looks down*
*Shuts door*
*Looks down*
*Tears up*
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you*
*Tries not to blushes*
*Looks away*
*Looks down* Should I go
I guess.
*Looks at you, cries, and walks out*
*Tears up*
*You me crying outside the school*
*Knocks on window*
*Wipes tears*
Why are you so sad over this?
Cause you're a teacher and I'm a student
*Holds your hands* Please calm down.
*Wipes tears* Ok
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you*
*Lets go of your hands*
*Looks down*
*Looks* Yea
Are you okay?
I don't know
Kate, you don't want me- go for someone else.
I want you
*Looks down*
*Tears up*
*Kisses back*
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you*
*Looks away*
*Looks down*
*Looks out of window*
Maybe we can keep us a secret
If we start a relationship with each other
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you*
It'd be difficult.
I know, but love is equal
I know that, Kate.
We shouldn't care about what people say about us
(Let's put some romance in the Rp)
Yeah, Kate. I know but I could lose my job.
*Tears up*
Don't cry.
How come
It's a small thing.
What do u mean
((Keely, let's get to the romantic part)
(Oh, okay. Sorry)
(It's alright)
*Kisses back and smiles*
*Holds you*
*Holds you*
*Wraps my legs around you*
Can we cover up the windows and lock the door
*Kisses your neck slowly
*Smiles* Rawr
*Covers up the windows and locks the door*